Prophylactic antibiotic reduces the risk of peritonitis after invasive gynecologic procedures
Peritoneal Dialysis International Jul 18, 2019
Fan PY, et al. - In this retrospective analysis, researchers analyzed patients who underwent invasive gynecologic procedures in a tertiary medical center, to assess the clinical presentation, results, and impacts of prophylactic antibiotic use prior to invasive techniques. Overall 18 peritoneal dialysis patients who underwent 26 gynecologic procedures between 2005 and 2015 were included. Following invasive gynecologic procedures, 6 patients suffered 7 episodes of peritonitis. Prophylactic antibiotic treatment was administered prior to 11 procedures (6 oral cefadroxil, 1 oral cefuroxime, 1 oral clindamycin, 1 intravenous [IV] ceftriaxone, 1 IV ceftazidime, and 1 IV cefazolin). The identified pathogens were diverse and included group B Streptococcus, group D Streptococcus, E. coli, and Enterococcus. As per findings, a considerable attenuation in the risk of peritonitis following invasive gynecologic procedures was achieved with prophylactic antibiotic treatment.
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