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Promoter hypermethylation of SOX11 correlates with adverse clinicopathological features of human prostate cancer

International Journal of Experimental Pathology Apr 13, 2018

Pugongchai A, et al. - Using methylation-specific PCR, authors evaluated SOX11 promoter methylation in prostate adenocarcinoma by comparing it with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in human prostate tissue samples, subjects with prostate cancer and from patients with BPH. It was observed that the detection rates of SOX11 promoter methylation were 80.6% and 35.8% in prostate cancer and BPH respectively. A connection was disclosed between SOX11 hypermethylation with adverse clinicopathological characteristics of prostate cancer, including higher PSA level. Thus, SOX11 could serve as a promising methylation marker candidate for differential diagnosis and risk stratification for prostate cancer.
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