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PROMIS physical function score strongly correlates with legacy outcome measures in minimally invasive lumbar microdiscectomy

Spine Mar 08, 2019

Khechen B, et al. - Forty-one minimally invasive lumbar discectomy (MIS LD) patients were analyzed to examine the patient-reported outcomes measurement information system (PROMIS) physical function (PF) in MIS LD cases. Researchers calculated an average preoperative PROMIS PF score of 35.36 ± 7. They observed significant improvement in Oswestry disability index (ODI), visual analog scale (VAS) back, and VAS leg scores. A strong relationship was noticed between PROMIS scores and preoperative and postoperative ODI (r range: 0.5735–0.8543) and postoperative VAS back (r range: 0.5332–0.6522) and VAS leg pain. Hence, they considered PROMIS PF as a postoperative outcome estimation tool.
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