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PROMIS instruments correlate better with legacy measures in knee cartilage patients at post-operative than at pre-operative assessment

Arthroscopy Feb 14, 2020

Nwachukwu BU, Beletsky A, Naveen N, et al. - This study was undertaken to determine the psychometric properties of the PROMIS Physical Function (PF), Pain Interference (PI) and Depression Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) in individuals undergoing knee cartilage surgeries. In individuals undergoing knee cartilage surgeries, the PROMIS PF, PI, and depression CAT were administered preoperatively and at 6 months alongside legacy knee patient-reported outcome measures. The study population consisted of 250 individuals (57.2% male), averaging 1.87, 1.53, and 1.91 minutes for completion of the PF, PI, and Depression CATs, respectively. Compared with the preoperative period, the PROMIS PF, PI, and Depression CATs showed better with respect to legacy PROMs in the postoperative period. In addition, PROMIS PF and PI measures do best with respect to the IKDC, and no floor or ceiling impacts were distinguished for PROMIS instruments. In cartilage surgery individuals, PROMIS instruments may be more suited to track outcomes post-operatively than establish preoperative baselines.
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