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Prognostic values of left ventricular mass index in chronic kidney disease patients

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Jan 08, 2020

Tripepi G, D’Arrigo G, Mallamaci F, et al. - Among 1,352 chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients enrolled in the Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort, researchers performed this study to investigate if the left ventricular mass index (LVMI) contributes meaningful predictive power for death and de novo heart failure (HF) to simple risk models in this patient population. Via echocardiography, they measured LVMI. They used the Study of Heart and Renal Protection score, a well-validated risk score in CKD patients, to estimate the risks for death and HF. Participants were observed over a median duration of 7.7 years, during which, death of 326 patients and de novo HF development in 208 were reported. Experts concluded that the measurement of LVMI solely for the stratification of risk of mortality and possibly for the risk of HF did not offer evident prognostic values in CKD.
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