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Prognostic value of hypochloremia vs hyponatremia among patients with chronic kidney disease: A retrospective cohort study

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation Oct 25, 2018

Kubota K, et al. - Researchers retrospectively examined patients with stages G3–G5 chronic kidney disease (CKD) who visited the Nephrology Outpatient Department of Osaka University Hospital from April 2005 to December 2014 to examine the link between serum chloride (Cl) levels and clinical outcomes among these patients, given that serum Cl levels have better prognostic ability vs serum sodium (Na) levels in patients with heart failure. A composite of all-cause death and cardiovascular events was the study outcome. In this patient population, death and cardiovascular events were independently predicted by lower serum Cl levels. In CKD patients, Cl was better than Na in terms of incremental prognostic value.

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