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Prognostic utility of whole genome sequencing and polymerase chain reaction tests of ocular fluids in post-procedural endophthalmitis

American Journal of Ophthalmology Mar 27, 2020

Lee CS, Hong B, Kasi S, et al. - Researchers conducted this prospective cohort study to correlate identification of potential pathogen DNA in endophthalmitis with clinical outcomes. Participants in the study were patients (n = 50; mean age was 72) diagnosed with endophthalmitis following an intraocular procedure. Clinical outcome data from baseline, week 1, month 1 and month 3 visits were obtained. The authors discovered that 24 cases were culture-positive and 26 were culture-negative. Presence and higher load of bacteria other than S. epidermidis identified by whole genome sequencing or DNA from torque teno virus by quantitative polymerase chain reaction in ocular fluids was correlated with worse outcomes in post-procedure endophthalmitis.

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