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Prognostic significance of P16 expression and P53 expression in primary vaginal cancer

International Journal of Gynecologic Pathology Oct 12, 2019

Nwachukwu CR, Harris J, Chin A, et al. - Researchers examined when p16 expression is correlated with clinical outcomes in patients with primary vaginal cancer treated with definitive radiotherapy. On 25 patient samples, they performed P16 immunohistochemical and in 7 patients, these were recorded from pathology reports. In addition, three p16-negative samples were investigated with P53 immunohistochemical. Results revealed that 29 patients had P16 expression positive and three patients had P16 expression negative. The median overall survival of 66 mo, progression-free survival of 34 mo and 2-yr cumulative incidence of 19%, were reported. On univariable analysis, they identified inferior overall survival in correlation with p16-negative status, age older than 65, and advanced stage. They observed a better prognosis and decreased incidence of recurrence in correlation with P16-positive vaginal cancers vs p16-negative tumors.
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