Prognostic role of acute kidney injury on long-term outcome in infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
Pediatric Nephrology Jan 24, 2020
Cavallin F, Rubin G, Vidal E, et al. - Among infants with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) undergoing therapeutic hypothermia (TH), researchers assessed the prognostic role of postnatal acute kidney injury (AKI) on neurodevelopmental outcome in this prospective observational investigation. This study included 101 neonates (median gestational age 39 weeks) with HIE receiving TH between 2009 and 2016 at a single center. They found a link of AKI with an increased probability of an unfavorable outcome at 24 months. AKI displayed good positive predictive value and specificity, but poor negative predictive value and sensitivity at 24 months. Findings are suggestive of the possible reliability of AKI as an indicator of mortality or long-term disability in infants with HIE receiving TH, however, a favorable long-term outcome is not promised in the absence of AKI.
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