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Prognostic factors for visual outcomes following the first episode of NMOSD-related optic neuritis in affected eyes

Clinical Ophthalmology Dec 10, 2020

Thongmee W, Padungkiatsagul T, Jindahra P, et al. - In this single-center, retrospective study, researchers sought to identify prognostic factors for visual outcomes following a first episode of neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder-related optic neuritis (NMOSD-ON) in affected eyes. The sample consisted of 50 people who were diagnosed with NMOSD-ON (63 affected eyes) in a tertiary institution over a 12-year period. Sixty-three affected eyes of 50 people (3 men and 47 women) were involved. Significant prognostic factors for good visual outcomes following the first episode of NMOSD-ON in affected eyes were best-corrected visual acuity at nadir that was better than counting fingers and treatment with intravenous methylprednisolone within 21 days of symptom onset.

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