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Prognostic factors affecting correction angle changes after supramalleolar osteotomy using an opening wedge plate for varus ankle osteoarthritis

The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Feb 13, 2019

Kim YS, et al. - A total of 53 individuals (58 ankles) were evaluated to analyze the prognostic factors influencing the correction angle changes after supramalleolar osteotomy (SMO). They noted an improvement in the mean visual analog scale scores and the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society scores at the final follow-up. Significant improvements in the mean tibial-ankle surface (TAS), talar tilt (TT), and the tibial-lateral surface angle were observed after surgery, in comparison with preoperative estimations. They also found that male gender, high body mass index (≥26.4 kg/m2), and the existence of the lateral cortex breakages were significantly correlated with variations in TAS and TT angle. Hence, they suggested the consideration of these predictors preceding the SMO.
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