Prognosis of nonoperative treatment in elderly patients with a hip fracture: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Injury Sep 12, 2020
Loggers SAI, Van Lieshout EMM, Joosse P, et al. - A systematic review was conducted to serve an overview of the prognosis of nonoperative management in frail elderly patients with a hip fracture in terms of mortality, complications, mobility, and quality of life (QoL). Researchers carried out to search PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane Central. Thirty-days mortality was the primary endpoint measurement. A total of 4,318 studies were screened. Nonoperative management of frail elderly patients with a hip fracture is associated with a poor prognosis. Heterogenous study cohorts and limited outcomes were reported. Current literature shows a lack of evidence of the true prognosis of nonoperative management of frail elderly patient with a hip fracture and a limited life expectancy. Results of this review can be used to aid decision making and improve expectation management.
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