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Prognosis after arthroscopic superior medial scapuloplasty for snapping scapula syndrome improves following a transient beneficial response with an ultrasound guided subscapular cortisone injection

Arthroscopy Sep 04, 2020

Strong GT, Gill J, Griffiths E, et al. - The present study was conducted to assess the prognostic value of an ultrasound-guided subscapular local anaesthetic and cortisone injection in a consecutive series of patients who had undergone an arthroscopic superior medial scapuloplasty for Snapping Scapula Syndrome (SSS) that had been refractory to conservative treatment. Researchers performed an arthroscopic superior medial scapuloplasty on patients with a clinical diagnosis of SSS that had failed a structured physiotherapy programme and had either gained a good response or no to minimal response to at preoperative ultrasound-guided subscapular local anaesthetic and cortisone injection. In this study, 47 patients were included in the study with a minimal follow-up of 2 years between January 2009 and December 2016. The outcomes of this study imply that arthroscopic scapuloplasty can lead to a significant improvement in pain and function in all patients with a clinical diagnosis of snapping scapula syndrome refractory to conservative treatment. IT was reported that individuals who gained a good transient response to a preoperative ultrasound-guided subscapular cortisone injection obtained a significantly better recovery than those that did not. The data suggested that a preoperative ultrasound-guided subscapular cortisone injection seemed to be of prognostic value.

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