Profile of chronic comorbid conditions and obstetrical complications among pregnant women with HIV and receiving antiretroviral therapy in the United States
Clinical Infectious Diseases Apr 01, 2021
Venkatesh KK, Morrison L, Tuomala RE, et al. - Researchers herein examined pregnant women with HIV and receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) with the aim to evaluate the frequency and associated characteristics of chronic comorbid conditions and obstetrical complications among them. In addition, they compared the outcomes with those of women without HIV. The following two independent concurrent US pregnancy cohorts were compared: 1) with HIV (International Maternal Pediatric Adolescent AIDS Clinical Trials Protocol P1025, 2002-2013); and 2) without HIV (Consortium for Safe Labor Study, 2002-2007). A total of 2,868 deliveries (n = 2,574 women) with HIV and receiving ART, and 211,910 deliveries (n = 193,170 women) without HIV were assessed. They identified more chronic comorbid conditions among pregnant women with HIV and receiving ART. Slightly less likelihood to have obstetrical complications, but secondarily, higher odds of preterm birth < 37 weeks, were recorded among women with HIV vs those without HIV. A lower likelihood of ≥ 2 chronic comorbidities and obstetrical complications was observed in correlation with late entry to prenatal care and starting ART in an earlier era and a higher likelihood of obstetric complications was observed in correlation with detectable viral load at delivery.
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