Prior femoroacetabular osteoplasty does not compromise the clinical outcome of subsequent total hip arthroplasty
Journal of Arthroplasty Oct 29, 2020
Vahedi H, Yacovelli S, Rezaie AA, et al. - In the present study, the researchers sought to assess clinical outcomes of total hip arthroplasty (THA) following a prior femoroacetabular osteoplasty (FAO) and compare the outcomes to a matched group of patients who underwent THA with no prior surgical procedures in the affected hip. Between 2004 and 2017, 74 hips (69 patients) who underwent THA following previous FAO were identified. In patients with no prior procedures in the affected hip, THA following prior FAO has comparable outcomes to primary THA. In patients with a history of FAO, THA can be performed safely with an excellent outcome.
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