Primary hyperparathyroidism is associated with a higher level of serum uric acid: A systematic review and meta-analysis
International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases Nov 15, 2019
Ponvilawan B, et al. - A systematic review was performed in order to recognize all available studies on primary hyperparathyroidism as a risk factor for hyperuricemia and review their results collectively. A total of nine cohort studies were included in the meta-analysis. The pooled analysis found that in comparison with people without hyperparathyroidism with the pooled mean difference of 65.00 μmol/L, persons with primary hyperparathyroidism had a significantly greater level of serum uric acid. With I2 of 90%, the statistical heterogeneity was high. The funnel plot was comparatively symmetric and did not give evidence for publication bias. Thus, individuals with primary hyperparathyroidism had a significantly greater level of serum uric acid than people without hyperparathyroidism.
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