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Prevention of postoperative adhesion reformation by intermittent intrauterine balloon therapy: A randomised controlled trial

BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Jul 24, 2019

Shi X, et al. - Intermittent intrauterine balloon dilatation was compared to standard care regarding the efficacy in the prevention of adhesion reformation. researchers randomized 200 patients with moderate to severe (European Society for Gynaecological Endoscopy Grade ≥II) intrauterine adhesions who underwent hysteroscopic adhesiolysis, to a balloon group or a control group postoperatively. The study protocol was successfully completed by a total of 191 patients (94 cases for the balloon group and 97 cases for the control group). Outcomes revealed significantly reduced postoperative adhesion reformation and significantly increased menstruation flow in relation to postoperative intermittent intrauterine balloon dilatation therapy. This suggests the possible value of postoperative intermittent intrauterine balloon therapy in preventing adhesion reformation after hysteroscopic adhesiolysis.
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