Prevention of nerve root thermal injury caused by bipolar cauterization near the nerve roots
Spine Mar 08, 2019
Ohyama S, et al. - In this controlled, interventional animal study, researchers evaluated thermal injury of the nerve root by cauterization adjacent to the nerve root and also to recognize the method of prevention or rescue in case of nerve root injury. Achievement of the temperature of the surrounding site at 60.9 °C along with 47.8% of the nerves injured histologically was reported after bipolar cauterization. They found suppression of thermal elevation up to 42.7 °C with no nerve injured histologically using saline irrigation. The temperature of the surrounding site reached only 40.4 °C when bipolar cauterization was performed in the vertical direction. A reduction to 25.0% in the incidence of nerve injury was noted with a locally injected corticosteroid. Although, the inclination in nerve damage remained compared was similar to the sham group.
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