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Prevalence, severity, and correlates of pain flares in response to a repeated sit to stand activity: A cross-sectional study of 14,902 patients with knee and hip osteoarthritis in primary care

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy Sep 12, 2019

Skou ST, et al. - Researchers examined pain flares in response to a repeated sit to stand activity regarding their prevalence, severity and clinical correlates. Among 11,013 patients with knee OA and 3,889 patients with hip OA who completed a 30s chair stand test before starting the Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark treatment program, pain flares were reported in one in every three patients with knee OA, and one in every five patients with hip OA [numeric rating scale ≥ 2]. This suggests a common occurrence of pain flares in response to a repeated sit to stand activity among these patients. Pain flares were associated with clinical correlates like joint confidence, functional performance, and BMI, which could be potentially modified with patient education, exercise therapy, and weight loss.
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