Prevalence rates of histopathologic subtypes associated with steroid resistance in childhood nephrotic syndrome in Sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review
International Journal of Nephrology and Renovascular Disease Jul 12, 2019
Uwaezuoke SN, et al. - Using the PubMed, Google and African Journals Online databases, researchers investigated the current prevalence rates of the histopathologic subtypes related to childhood steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome (SRNS) in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). According to the findings, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), minimal-change nephropathy, membrano-proliferative glomerulonephritis, membranous nephropathy and mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis constitute the currently reported histopathologic subtypes related to childhood nephrotic syndrome in the West African sub-region. In South Africa, the picture is the same. In SSA, a currently high FSGS prevalence in childhood nephrotic syndrome was reported. In this part of the globe, FSGS continues to be the commonest lesion related to SRNS.
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