Prevalence, patterns, and perceived value of complementary and alternative medicine among HIV patients: a descriptive study
BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine Aug 29, 2017
Bahall M et al. – This study investigated the prevalence, patterns, and perceived value of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) among patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The authors concluded that although about one–third of HIV patients used CAM, virtually none of them informed their healthcare provider. The most common type of CAM was medicinal herbs, followed by spiritual therapy and vitamins. Mass media and nonhospital healthcare personnel influenced a patientÂs decision to use CAM to a major extent.
- This quantitative descriptive study was conducted among a cross–sectional, convenience sample of attendees of the HIV clinic.
- Face–to–face interviews using a 34–item questionnaire were conducted.
- CAM was used by 32.8% of the total 343 HIV patients; however, <1% informed their healthcare providers regarding the same.
- Medicinal herbs (Aloe vera [49.1%], ginger [30.0%], and garlic [20.9%]) were the most common type of CAM used, followed by spiritual therapy (faith healing/prayer and meditation).
- Complex B vitamins (61.9%) followed by vitamin A (51.3%), vitamin E (45.1%), and vitamin D (37.1%) were the most commonly used vitamins.
- CAM was used along with conventional medicine by most of the CAM users, and they were willing to use CAM without supervision and without informing their healthcare provider.
- Approximately 80.5% of patients were generally satisfied with CAM therapy, and the main reasons for using CAM were the desire to take control of their treatment (8.8%) and trying anything that could help (18.8%).
- Mass media (32.7%) and nonhospital health personnel (19.5%) were the main influences, and predictors of CAM were being 30 to 50 years, married, and having a secondary school education.
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