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Prevalence of positive QuantiFERON-Gold in-tube test in uveitis and its clinical implications in a country non-endemic for tuberculosis

American Journal of Ophthalmology Nov 22, 2019

Groen-Hakan F, et al. - In this retrospective cross-sectional study, researchers reported on the prevalence and clinical implications of positive QuantiFERON-Gold (QFT-G) test outcomes in the diagnostic work-up of a large cohort of consecutive individuals with uveitis in the Netherlands. The sample consisted of 710 consecutive patients who all had workup for uveitis involving QFT-G testing. According to results, 13% were positive for QFT-G out of all individuals. In 13% of patients with uveitis in the Netherlands, the QFT-G tested positive, whereas only sporadic patients had previous or active TB registered. In QFT-G positive patients, the proportion of patients with unexplained uveitis was higher. While the correlation between uveitis and positive QFT-G test may be coincidental, the majority of QFT-G treated positive patients with otherwise unexplained severe uveitis cause exhibited a beneficial response to anti-tuberculosis therapy.
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