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Prevalence of ligamentous knee injuries in pedestrian vs motor vehicle accidents

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Jun 17, 2020

Steinmetz RG, McDonald M, Tkach S, et al. - In this study, the prevalence and characteristics of ligamentous knee injuries were ascertained and patient demographics, associated injuries and hospital stay were compared with pedestrians who did not sustain a ligamentous knee injury. Researchers conducted a retrospective review of all adult patients presenting as pedestrians struck by a motor vehicle to a level 1 trauma center over a three-year period. They further noted demographics, length of stay, orthopedic and non-orthopedic traumatic injuries. For ligamentous, bony and chondral injuries, MRI was reviewed. Analysis enrolled a total of 539 patients. These patients should be thoroughly assessed for a ligamentous knee injury given the high prevalence of ligamentous knee injuries in this patient population. Whether ligamentous knee injury is suspected, MRI should be recognized as a majority of these injuries involved multiple structures. When compared with those without ligamentous knee injuries, individuals with ligamentous knee injuries often had multi-system injuries with resulting longer hospital stay.

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