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Prevalence of hypersensitivity in teeth affected by molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH)

Caries Research Jan 30, 2019

Raposo F, et al. - In this study, investigators analyzed the data using the Nyvad criteria for caries diagnosis and a new criterion to examine the prevalence of hypersensitivity in molars due to molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) in 631 (8-year-old) kids. They observed 51.7 and 8.7% of subjects exhibited enamel and dentin carious lesions, respectively. They recorded 239 molars were affected by MIH. Among them, 188 had opacities only, 20 had posteruptive enamel breakdown, and 31 had posteruptive breakdown involving dentin/atypical restorations. They noticed dental caries, a determinant for the presence of hypersensitivity. The incidence of hypersensitivity was significantly higher in MIH-affected molars.
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