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Prevalence of group B streptococcus among pregnant women and newborns at Hawassa University comprehensive specialized hospital, Hawassa, Ethiopia

BMC Infectious Diseases Apr 23, 2019

Ali MM, et al. - Researchers conducted a hospital based cross-sectional study in order to ascertain group B streptococcus (GBS) prevalence among 280 pregnant women and their newborns, vertical transmission rate of GBS from pregnant women to their newborns, serotype distribution of GBS and risk factors linked to prevalence of GBS among pregnant women and their newborns at Hawassa University Comprehensive Specialized Hospital. Prevalence of GBS among pregnant women was 44(15.7%) and among newborns was 26(8.9%); vertical transmission rate was 59.1%. GBS serotypes that were most prevalent were serotype II followed by V, Ia and Ib. Recto vaginal colonization of pregnant women with GBS before delivery was identified to be the primary risk factor for early-onset disease (EOD). Increased likelihood of EOD was observed with risk factors such as prolonged rupture of membrane, prematurity, chorioamnionitis, low-level of anti-GBS capsular antibody and previous newborn with EOD. They suggest considering appropriate prevention strategies like intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis and vaccine development.

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