Prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus among women attending antenatal care at public health centers in Rwanda
Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Apr 05, 2019
Meharry PM, et al. - Using the World Health Organization (WHO) 2013 diagnostic criteria, researchers determined the prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) among 281 pregnant women attending antenatal care at urban and rural public health centers. Using a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test, diagnostic testing was conducted between 24 and 32 gestations. Descriptive statistics were used in this cross-sectional analysis. This investigation provides important information on the prevalence of GDM in Rwanda, a resource-limited country. Data showed that the prevalence of GDM was 3.2%. Investigators found that women who were diagnosed with GDM were older, had higher BMI, hypertension, and glycosuria of ≥ 2+. They anticipate that in the near future the risk factors for developing GDM will increase, similar to the global trend of obesity and diabetes, requiring ongoing research and education in this important condition that carries a double burden of disease for both mothers and infants.
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