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Prevalence of depression, anxiety, and substance-related disorders in parents of children with cerebral palsy: A systematic review

Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology Aug 09, 2019

Barreto TM, Bento MN, Barreto TM, et al. - In parents of children with cerebral palsy (CP), researchers estimated the prevalence of mental illness. For this systematic review, they searched PubMed, SciELO, Cochrane Library, Clinical Trials, and Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde. Fourteen articles with 1,264 mothers and 105 children's fathers with CP were selected and assessed. Study data, data about participants with CP, and data about parents were the three categories that analytical data was divided into. According to findings, a higher prevalence of depression and parental anxiety symptoms was associated with CP. Frequency of parents' mental disorders may be impacted by issues such as the degree of functionality of a child and socioeconomic level. These studies, however, have heterogeneous samples and have used various criteria to describe their populations.

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