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Prevalence, mortality and healthcare utilization among Medicare beneficiaries with hepatitis C in haemodialysis units

Journal of Viral Hepatitis Aug 08, 2019

Deshpande R, et al. - In this a retrospective study of Medicare beneficiaries with hepatitis C (HCV) on hemodialysis, researchers investigated trends in HCV prevalence and associated health resource use and mortality. They included 291,663 patients on hemodialysis (67.3 ± 15.2 years, 55% male, 55% white, 49% age-based eligibility). Patients on hemodialysis had stable and significantly higher HCV prevalence (mean 4.2% in 2005-2016) than patients not on hemodialysis (< 1%). In hemodialysis patients, 1-year mortality had an independent correlation with liver cirrhosis. In dialysis patients with HCV, mean total inpatient payments remained stable during 2005 ($73,803) through 2016 ($72,133) while there was a decrease in mean total outpatient payment from 2005 ($53,497) to 2016 ($35,439). Findings suggest that resource utilization was greater among HCV-infected Medicare patients receiving hemodialysis; only patients with cirrhosis display higher mortality. Despite a higher HCV prevalence in Medicare hemodialysis recipients than patients without hemodialysis, the rates are lower than reported. This suggests that HCV is potentially under-screened in this high-risk population.

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