Prevalence, magnitude, and incidence of labial gingival recession with Herbst-multibracket appliance treatment: A retrospective cohort study
The Angle Orthodontist Feb 11, 2019
Bock NC, et al. - In this retrospective cohort study, researchers examined the data to estimate the prevalence and magnitude of labial gingival recession (LGR) before and after as well as the incidence during Class II:1 Herbst-Multibracket appliance (Herbst-MBA) treatment (Tx) plus retention for an observation period of 59.2 ± 14.8 months. They recorded the overall prevalence for teeth with LGR ≥0.5 mm, 1.1% pre-Tx and 5.3% post retention. For lower incisors, the highest prevalence of up to 5.3% (pre-Tx) and 16.4% (postretention) were observed.
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