Prevalence, assessment and surgical correction of penile curvature in hypospadias patients treated at one European Referral Center: Description of the technique and surgical outcomes
World Journal of Urology Nov 07, 2019
Bandini M, Sekulovic S, Spiridonescu B, et al. - A total of 303 pediatric hypospadias persons operated (2013–2018) at a referral center were examined in order to report prevalence of penile curvature (PC) in hypospadias individuals, as well as to report the method to evaluate and improve PC, with the correlated postoperative outcomes. In 274/303 persons, PC (> 10°) was recognized, 86.1%, 91.8%, and 100% with distal, midshaft, proximal hypospadias, respectively. In 51/64 of failed hypospadias, PC was discovered. In 211/274 and 63/274 children, one-stage and two-stage procedures respectively were adopted. Between primary and failed hypospadias, PC severity and PC treatment did not vary. PC severity, failed repair, and PC treatment were not predictors of perioperative complications. About 95.6% of males attained a straight penis. In conclusion, less than 1/10 persons did not need PC correction. A high rate of residual PC in failed hypospadias and comparable severity among failed and primary implies that PC was usually under-corrected. Moreover, it could be likely to correct PC completely and the resulting complication would not be related to PC severity, failed repair or treatment adopted.
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