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Prevalence and validity of self-reported smoking among females seeking fertility care

Annals of Epidemiology Aug 31, 2018

Oladipupo I, et al. - Researchers examined women seeking fertility treatment, to determine the prevalence and validity of self-reported smoking status as well as any variation by age. Albeit non-significant, a higher prevalence was reported among women ≤35 vs women >35 years. They detected urinary cotinine concentrations of ≥100ng/mL in 98% of self-reported current smokers, 25% of former smokers and 6.5% of nonsmokers. The use of other tobacco products (hookah and e-cigarettes) was reported by two nonsmokers; both had cotinine levels >100ng/mL. Overall, in a clinical population, moderate to high validity of self-reported smoking was suggested. While evaluating smoking status using urinary cotinine, interrogation of other sources of nicotine is important.
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