Prevalence and risk indicators of peri-implantitis in a sample of University-based dental patients in Italy: A cross-sectional study
Journal of Clinical Periodontology Apr 19, 2019
Vignoletti F, et al. - A sum of 237 cases with 831 implants from the Dental Department of Vita-Salute San Raffaele University (Milan, Italy) were studied to assess the following: the prevalence, extent, and severity of peri-implant diseases and estimation of the relation between peri-implantitis and patient/implant-related factors. They noted 38.8% and 35% of the prevalence of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis, respectively. They reported higher odds ratios for peri-implantitis in subjects with FMBS>25%, having ≥4 implants as well as implants with plaque, probing pocket depth (PPD)≥4 mm or less than 1 mm of keratinized mucosa. They found the frequent influence of peri-implant diseases among >70% of the patients.
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