Prevalence and risk factors of axial neck pain in patients undergoing multilevel anterior cervical decompression with fusion surgery
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research Apr 10, 2019
Liu S, et al. - Researcher retrospectively reviewed 88 patients who underwent multilevel anterior cervical decompression with fusion surgery for the prevalence and risk factors for axial neck pain. Observations revealed axial neck pain prevalence of 27.3% (24 cases of 88). Risk factors for axial pain after multilevel anterior cervical surgery comprised preoperative axial neck pain (62% vs 23%) and preoperative kyphosis (42% vs 21.9%). Recovery of cervical kyphosis may lead to the long-term recovery of neural function. However, a risk of short-term axial pain may be observed with it that may be reduced through moderate cervical curvature recovery.
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