Prevalence and predictors of persistent pelvic girdle pain 12Â years postpartum
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Sep 21, 2017
Bergström C, et al. - In this work, the overall aim was to study the prevalence and predictors of pronounced persistent pelvic girdle pain (PPGP) 12 years after delivery. Observations revealed that for a subgroup of women with PPGP, spontaneous recovery with no recurrences is an unlikely scenario. Researchers suggested persistency and/or duration of pain symptoms as well as widespread pain as the strongest predictors of poor long-term outcome. Moreover, widespread pain was commonly associated with PPGP and could thus contribute to long-term sick leave and disability pension. There appeared a necessity for developing a screening tool for the identification of women at risk of developing PPGP to enable early intervention.
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