Prevalence and potential risk factors of flight-related neck, shoulder and low back pain among helicopter pilots and crewmembers: A questionnaire-based study
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Feb 03, 2019
Posch M, et al. - Investigators estimated the prevalence of pain and its associated potential risk factors among 104 helicopter pilots and 117 crewmembers within the armed forces, the airborne police, and airborne rescue organizations in Austria. They observed that the 12-month prevalence of neck pain was 67.3%, followed by the low back (48.1%) and shoulder pain (43.3%) for helicopter pilots. On the other hand, the 12-month pain prevalence were 45.3, 36.8 and 30.8% among the neck, lower back, and shoulder, respectively among crewmembers. They revealed a significant association of NVG use, shoulder pain, and low back pain with neck pain.
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