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Prevalence and obstetric outcome of women with red cell antibodies in pregnancy at the Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, West Yorkshire, England

European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology May 26, 2019

Awowole I, et al. - Researchers sought to report the outcome of pregnancies associated with red cell antibodies at the Leeds University Teaching Hospitals Trust, the tertiary fetal medicine centre in West Yorkshire. Data from the Trust's database were obtained and reconciled with the Fetal Medicine Unit records using Viewpoint. They identified 96,692 pregnant women who were screened; of these, 398 had red cell antibodies, giving a prevalence of 1: 242 pregnancies indicating a lower prevalence of red cell antibodies at West Yorkshire compared with reports from other Caucasian populations. Iatrogenic preterm delivery and fetal morbidity were identified in correlation to these antibodies. However, with prompt diagnosis and management, a good prognosis is noted.
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