Prevalence and incidence rate of lower-extremity tendinopathies in a Danish general practice: A registry-based study
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders May 30, 2019
Riel H, et al. - From the electronic patient files, researchers extracted data of all patients in a single Danish general practice to determine the prevalence and incidence rate of lower-extremity tendinopathies in Danish general practice. This registry-based study revealed a high prevalence and incidence rate (16.6 and 7.9 per 1000 registered patients, respectively). The most prevalent tendinopathy was plantar heel pain and it accounted for 39% of lower-extremity tendinopathies. Patients with tendinopathies were significantly older than all registered patients (46.0 years vs 38.8 years, respectively). More than 80 patients with lower-extremity tendinopathy are expected to visit general practitioners every year in a typical general practice with 5000 patients.
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