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Prevalence and impact of positive intra-operative cultures in partial hip or knee revision

Journal of Arthroplasty Feb 26, 2020

Vargas-Reverón C, et al. - The effect of unexpected positive cultures on the outcome of partial prosthetic revisions was evaluated. Between 2003 and 2012, researchers retrospectively examined data regarding individuals who underwent a partial hip or knee revision with the preoperative diagnosis of aseptic loosening. This study recruited a sum of 99 hip and 46 knee partial revisions. All cases had at least 5 years follow-up. It was reported that 97 cases (66.9%) had all cultures negative, 35 (24.1%) a single positive culture and 13 (9.0%) ≥ 2 positive cultures for the same microorganism. The results of this study displayed that partial revisions conducted within the first 5 years from implantation and ≥ 2 intraoperative positive cultures were correlated with a higher re-revision risk at 5 years.
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