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Prevalence and associations of central-peripheral rivalry–type diplopia in patients with epiretinal membrane

JAMA Ophthalmology Nov 22, 2017

Veverka KK, et al. - This research was formulated in order to analyze the prevalence of central-peripheral rivalry (CPR)-type diplopia in retinal disease clinic patients with epiretinal membrane (ERM). In addition, researchers investigated the clinical findings related to CPR-type diplopia. CPR-type diplopia was not found to be uncommon in patients with ERM. Patients with CPR-type diplopia displayed better visual acuity and more metamorphopsia than those without CPR-type diplopia. However, significant individual variability existed. Aniseikonia and retinal misregistration were discovered to be similar between patients with ERM associated with CPR-type diplopia and those without CPR-type diplopia. It was deduced that the retinal misregistration with coexistent metamorphopsia was required but was not adequate for CPR-type diplopia.
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