Prevalence and associated variables of post-dialysis fatigue: Results of a prospective multicentre study
Nephrology Jun 15, 2018
Bossola M, et al. - Researchers determined prevalence and severity of PDF and defined its associated variables in this study conducted at five haemodialysis units of northern-centre Italy. Patient-reported PDF was further assessed in regards to its duration, frequency and intensity, allowing creation of a fatigue index of severity (one third of the sum of these three parameters, each rated from 1 to 5). Based on the severity of PDF, three groups of patients were formed: score = 0; score = 1–3; score > 3. They reported a frequent occurrence of post-dialysis fatigue. They also found that post-dialysis fatigue was associated with age and ADL. Dialytic variables seemed to have no association with PDF.
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