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Prevalence and associated factors for dipstick microscopic hematuria in men

BMC Urology Aug 13, 2019

Courtemanche K, et al. - In the general male population presenting to an annual public men’s health fair, researchers identified associated factors and prevalence of dipstick microscopic hematuria, a common incidental finding on routine urinalysis. From 2008 to 2013, a retrospective analysis of prospectively collected data at an annual Men’s Health fair was conducted. The study sample consisted of 979 patients. A total of 979 patients were examined, 850 of them provided a sample of urine and included in the final analysis. Data reported that 73 (8.6%) patients had positive hematuria on urinalysis. In the male population presenting to a health fair, microscopic hematuria is a prevalent condition. Diabetes and proteinuria were the only factors associated with microscopic hematuria. There was no connection between hematuria and smoking, age, or lower urinary tract symptoms.
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