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Presurgical short-term halo-pelvic traction for severe rigid scoliosis (cobb angle > 120°): A 2-year follow-up review of 62 patients

Spine Jan 06, 2021

Wang Y, Li C, Liu L, et al. - In this study, the efficacy and safety of halo-pelvic traction (HPT) for treating severe rigid scoliosis (>120°) were evaluated. Researchers designed a 2-year follow-up review of 62 individuals with severe rigid scoliosis (> 120°). They examined the records of all the individuals with severe rigid scoliosis (> 120°) treated with presurgical HPT from 2013 through 2017. They conducted radiographic measurements. They recorded the period of traction estimated blood loss, operation time, complications, and bed rest period. The study enrolled a total of 62 patients who had a 2-year radiological follow-up. The data demonstrated that a combination of short-term presurgical HPT and posterior surgery is an effective and safe solution for severe rigid scoliosis with a Cobb angle greater than 120°. The Cobb angle can be reduced by approximately 50%, providing a favorable condition for spine corrective surgery after 4 to 6 weeks of presurgical HPT.

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