Preserving the radial head in comminuted Mason type III fractures without fixation to the radial shaft: A mid-term clinical and radiographic follow-up study
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Oct 29, 2019
Gregori M, et al. - Thirty individuals were recruited to undergo clinical and radiographic follow-up at an average of 76 months in order to show the experience of the researchers with a radial head salvage procedure in comminuted radial head fractures despite concomitant injuries, which are not accompanied by typical open reduction–internal fixation (ORIF)-related complications. Individuals were randomized into group S (n = 29; patients with multifragment Mason type III fractures treated surgically with biological radial head spacers) and group P (n = 12; treated with conventional ORIF using mini-fragment plates). In group S, in 70% of the cases, the development of nonunion at the head-neck junction was seen, nonetheless, the overall Mayo Elbow Performance Index averaged 94.8, which was better than the average Mayo Elbow Performance Index of 83.1 in group P. In 75% of cases in group S and 62.5% in group P, the radiographic assessment explicated the development of osteoarthritic alterations. Wrist-joint pain was present in none of the individuals. Thus, in comminuted Mason type III fractures, saving the native radial head without fixation to the radial shaft is a positive alternative. Moreover, outstanding functional results can be anticipated, nonetheless, the development of osteoarthritis cannot be prevented.
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