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Presepsin and prognostic nutritional index are predictors of septic acute kidney injury, renal replacement therapy initiation in sepsis patients, and prognosis in septic acute kidney injury patients: A pilot study

BMC Nephrology Jun 17, 2021

Shimoyama Y, Umegaki O, Kadono N, et al. - Researchers investigated if presepsin could serve as a predictor of septic acute kidney injury (AKI), renal replacement therapy initiation (RRTi) among sepsis patients, and prognosis in septic AKI patients. They recorded presepsin values immediately post- ICU admission (baseline) as well as on Days 2, 3, and 5 following ICU admission. They compared presepsin values, inflammation-based prognostic scores, and inflammation-presepsin scores between patients with and without septic AKI or RRTi and between survivors and non-survivors. Findings revealed that presepsin and Prognostic Nutritional Index behaved as predictors of septic AKI, RRTi in sepsis patients, and prognosis in septic AKI patients.

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