Preoperative moderate thrombocytopenia is not associated with increased blood loss for low-risk cesarean section: A retrospective cohort study
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth Aug 04, 2019
Xu X, et al. - Given the occurrence of thrombocytopenia as high as 7–12% in pregnancy, researchers sought to determine the minimum platelet count that could be safe for cesarean section. Patients undergoing cesarean section for a period of 6 years in a tertiary hospital were included in this retrospective noninferior cohort study with the exclusion of patients at very high risk for excessive hemorrhage. The thrombocytopenic group comprised patients with preoperative platelet count of 50–100 × 109/L. The control group comprised the eligible patients with preoperative platelet count > 150 × 109/L, matched to the thrombocytopenic group. The analysis revealed no association of preoperative moderate thrombocytopenia with increased blood loss, blood transfusion, or occurrence of adverse events in patients undergoing cesarean section in the absence of additional bleeding risk. Length of hospital stay was longer for patients in the thrombocytopenic group, however, the difference was considered as clinically insignificant.
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