Preoperative malnutrition negatively correlates with postoperative wound complications and infection after total joint arthroplasty: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Journal of Arthroplasty Feb 13, 2019
Gu A, et al. - In this study, researchers evaluated the data (20 studies) to ascertain the relationship of serologic malnutrition with postoperative wound infection and other complications after total joint arthroplasty. They observed a firm correlation between preoperative serologic markers of malnutrition and inferior postoperative consequences. They recognized albumin as a marker for malnutrition in all 20 studies. Individuals with an albumin level <3.5 dg/L were more inclined to develop a postoperative wound complication. About 55% of studies employed the total lymphocyte count, and 6 studies reported transferrin as a marker for malnutrition.
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