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Preoperative halo-gravity traction for patients with severe focal kyphosis in the upper thoracic spine: A safe and effective alternative for three-column osteotomy

Spine Feb 11, 2021

Li Y, Shi B, Zhu Z, et al. - A retrospective review was performed to explore the impact of preoperative Halo-gravity traction (HGT) in the treatment of severe focal kyphosis in the upper thoracic spine (UTS), and to propose the indications that HGT could serve as an alternative for three-column osteotomy (3CO) among these patients. Researchers examined patients with focal kyphosis in UTS undergoing HGT and without 3CO operation. They enrolled a sum of 19 patients, with a mean age of 13.2 ± 5.8 years. It was shown that preoperative HGT could help to correct deformity and improve neurological deficit. The findings revealed that the 3CO procedure might be unnecessary in patients with severe focal kyphosis in UTS with the utilization of HGT.

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