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Preoperative direct oral anticoagulants treatment and all-cause mortality in elderly patients with hip fracture: A retrospective cohort study

Thrombosis Research Mar 12, 2020

Saliba W, et al. - A retrospective cohort study was performed to investigate the relationship between preoperative direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) use and adverse results in elderly individuals with hip fractures. Between 2014 and 2018, this retrospective cohort study comprised all elderly individuals (≥ 65 years), from the district of Haifa and Western Galilee, Israel, who underwent hip repair surgery for hip fracture. This study recruited a sum of 3,418 individuals with hip fractures, of whom 163 (4.8%) were vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) users and 247 (7.2%) were DOCAs users. They applied regression models with adjustment for propensity score to estimate the correlation with all-cause mortality and other adverse outcomes. DOACs use seems to be correlated with reduced risk of mortality among elderly individuals with hip fractures, albeit being associated with longer waiting times for surgery and longer hospitalization.
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