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Pregnancy outcomes with frozen-thawed single euploid blastocyst transfer following IVF cycles using HCG vs GNRH agonist trigger for final oocyte maturation

Fertility and Sterility Apr 11, 2019

Makhijani R, et al. - Researchers performed a retrospective cohort study at a single academic IVF center evaluating 215 frozen-thawed embryo transfer (FET) cycles [hCG trigger, n=115 subjects; GnRH agonist (GnRHa) trigger, n=100 subjects] in which single euploid blastocysts were transferred over a four year period in order to assess the relative pregnancy outcomes for frozen-thawed single euploid embryo transfer cycles that were generated from cycles triggered with either GnRHa or hCG. Outcomes suggested the same potential for a pregnancy of euploid embryos created after hCG or GnRHa trigger. On controlling the significant confounding variables of age and AMH value using logistic regression, the adjusted odds ratio for live birth was 1.09 when GnRHa trigger was compared to hCG trigger.
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