Pregnancy outcomes in women with kidney transplant: Metaanalysis and systematic review
BMC Nephrology Jan 29, 2019
Shah S, et al. - In view of the consideration that reproductive function in women with end-stage renal disease generally improves after kidney transplant, researchers undertook a comprehensive metanalysis on post-kidney transplant pregnancy outcomes for the first time. Searching PubMed/MEDLINE, Elsevier EMBASE, Scopus, BIOSIS Previews, ISI Science Citation Index Expanded, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials from date of inception through August 2017, they identified 1343 unique studies, of which 87 met inclusion criteria, representing 6712 pregnancies in 4174 kidney transplant recipients. Findings revealed favorable outcome of live births in kidney transplant recipients but with high risks of maternal and fetal complications that should be considered in patient counseling and clinical decision making.
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